Friday 5 April 2013

This is the security at the door. . he won't bite if you give him a few gold pieces! Feed your adventure and academic sides at once by visiting our library. . you won't regret it!

New Services

Hello all :) We at Smaug's Library are very excited to announce we are now offering classes in how to read and write Elvish! Elvish has many variations and can be quite hard to pick up so we would like to help the community by offering this service weekly on a Tuesday at dusk. 1st Supper will be provided along with drinks. You will able to learn how to write and speak the following; Quenya, Telerin, Sindarin and Nandorin. Entry will be 2 gold pieces.

Here in our Library we have a wide range of books and services, including the famed "There and Back Again. . A Hobbit's Tale" by Mr Bilbo Baggins.
We have a very exciting event coming up, and Bilbo Baggins will be visiting the Library for a book signing! The event will be the next full moon and dark, entry is 3 gold pieces. 1st supper and 2nd supper will be provided.

Bring all your friends, and hope to see you there!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Occupation Health and Safety (Yes it matters!)

Hey you! (Yes you!). This post is all about Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and you play a major part in it. When using our multimedia equipment you need to take care of the equipment, and be aware of the other library customers. Make sure you keep all food and drinks away from the computer so you don't spill anything and damage the equipment. If charging any personal appliances, keep cords tucked out of the way to avoid a tripping hazard. When seated at a work station ensure you are ergonomic, comfortable and have the correct posture. Otherwise you might just end up like this;

Remember, safety first! :)


Welcome everyone! This is the newly created blog for Smaug's Library. As you can see on the map we are located in Dale, The Lonely Mountains. Feed for your inner adventurist and academic side at the same by travelling to our library! We host a wide range of collections and services to suit everyone from the hobbits to elves and wizards including a large cafe, computers, maps, books in several languages and plenty of seating areas.

Remember to enter you need to bribe Smaug with a small gold or treasure token for him to allow you entry in the building!